Source code for flask_dance.contrib.atlassian

from flask import g
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

from flask_dance.consumer import OAuth2ConsumerBlueprint

__maintainer__ = "Przemyslaw Kanach <>"

[docs] def make_atlassian_blueprint( client_id=None, client_secret=None, *, scope=None, reprompt_consent=False, redirect_url=None, redirect_to=None, login_url=None, authorized_url=None, session_class=None, storage=None, ): """ Make a blueprint for authenticating with Atlassian using OAuth 2. This requires a client ID and client secret from Atlassian. You should either pass them to this constructor, or make sure that your Flask application config defines them, using the variables :envvar:`ATLASSIAN_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID` and :envvar:`ATLASSIAN_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET`. Args: client_id (str): The client ID for your application on Atlassian. client_secret (str): The client secret for your application on Atlassian. scope (str, optional): comma-separated list of scopes for the OAuth token. reprompt_consent (bool): If True, force Atlassian to re-prompt the user for their consent, even if the user has already given their consent. Defaults to False. redirect_url (str): the URL to redirect to after the authentication dance is complete. redirect_to (str): if ``redirect_url`` is not defined, the name of the view to redirect to after the authentication dance is complete. The actual URL will be determined by :func:`flask.url_for`. login_url (str, optional): the URL path for the ``login`` view. Defaults to ``/atlassian``. authorized_url (str, optional): the URL path for the ``authorized`` view. Defaults to ``/atlassian/authorized``. session_class (class, optional): The class to use for creating a Requests session. Defaults to :class:`~flask_dance.consumer.requests.OAuth2Session`. storage: A token storage class, or an instance of a token storage class, to use for this blueprint. Defaults to :class:``. :rtype: :class:`~flask_dance.consumer.OAuth2ConsumerBlueprint` :returns: A :doc:`blueprint <flask:blueprints>` to attach to your Flask app. """ authorization_url_params = {"audience": ""} if reprompt_consent: authorization_url_params["prompt"] = "consent" atlassian_bp = OAuth2ConsumerBlueprint( "atlassian", __name__, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scope=scope, base_url="", authorization_url="", token_url="", redirect_url=redirect_url, redirect_to=redirect_to, login_url=login_url, authorized_url=authorized_url, authorization_url_params=authorization_url_params, session_class=session_class, storage=storage, ) atlassian_bp.from_config["client_id"] = "ATLASSIAN_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID" atlassian_bp.from_config["client_secret"] = "ATLASSIAN_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET" @atlassian_bp.before_app_request def set_applocal_session(): g.flask_dance_atlassian = atlassian_bp.session return atlassian_bp
atlassian = LocalProxy(lambda: g.flask_dance_atlassian)