Nylas Quickstart ================ Setup Application ----------------- Visit https://developer.nylas.com/ to sign up for a Nylas Developer account. On the Nylas Developer dashboard, click on the "Settings" button, and in the "Callbacks" tab, add ``http://localhost:5000/login/nylas/authorized`` as a callback URL. Take note of the API ID and API Secret displayed on the dashboard. Code ---- .. code-block:: python from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for from flask_dance.contrib.nylas import make_nylas_blueprint, nylas app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = "supersekrit" nylas_bp = make_nylas_blueprint( app_id="my-app-id-here", app_secret="my-app-secret-here", ) app.register_blueprint(nylas_bp, url_prefix="/login") @app.route("/") def index(): if not nylas.authorized: return redirect(url_for("nylas.login")) resp = nylas.get("/account") assert resp.ok return "You are {name} on Nylas".format(name=resp.json()["name"]) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run() .. note:: You must replace ``my-key-here`` and ``my-secret-here`` with the API ID and API Secret that you got from the Nylas Developer dashboard. .. note:: If you are running this code on Heroku, you'll need to use the :class:`werkzeug.contrib.fixers.ProxyFix` middleware. See :doc:`../proxies`. When you run this code, you must set the :envvar:`OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT` environment variable for it to work. For example, if you put this code in a file named ``nylas.py``, you could run: .. code-block:: bash $ export OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1 $ python nylas.py Visit `localhost:5000`_ in your browser, and you should start the OAuth dance immediately. .. _localhost:5000: http://localhost:5000/ .. warning:: Do *NOT* set :envvar:`OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT` in production. Setting this variable allows you to use insecure ``http`` for OAuth communication. However, for security, all OAuth interactions must occur over secure ``https`` when running in production. Explanation ----------- This code makes a :ref:`blueprint ` that implements the views necessary to be a consumer in the :doc:`OAuth dance <../how-oauth-works>`. The blueprint has two views: ``/nylas``, which is the view that the user visits to begin the OAuth dance, and ``/nylas/authorized``, which is the view that the user is redirected to at the end of the OAuth dance. Because we set the ``url_prefix`` to be ``/login``, the end result is that the views are at ``/login/nylas`` and ``/login/nylas/authorized``. The second view is the callback URL that you must tell Nylas about when you create your developer account. The ``nylas`` variable is a :class:`requests.Session` instance, which will be be preloaded with the user's access token once the user has gone through the OAuth dance. You can check the ``nylas.authorized`` boolean to determine if the access token is loaded. Whether the access token is loaded or not, you can use all the normal ``requests`` methods, like :meth:`~requests.Session.get` and :meth:`~requests.Session.post`, to make HTTP requests. If you only specify the path component of the URL, the domain will default to ``https://api.nylas.com/``.