Multi-User Setups

Many websites are designed to have multiple user accounts, where each user has one or more OAuth connections to other websites, like Google or Twitter. This is a perfectly valid use-case for OAuth, but in order to implement it correctly, you need to think carefully about how these OAuth connections are created and used. There are a lot of unexpected edge-cases that can take you by surprise.

Defining Expected Behavior

User Association vs User Creation

Are users expected to create an account on your website first, and then assocation OAuth connections afterwards? Or does logging in with an an OAuth provider create an account for the user on your site automatically?

The first option (user association) is useful when you expect users to primarily log in to your website using a username/password combination, but want to allow your users to perform actions on other sites via OAuth. For example, maybe you want to build your own social network website, and allow users to invite their friends from Facebook and their followers on Twitter. Typically, this setup means that users are able to associate their accounts with other websites via OAuth, but they are not required to do so.

The second option (user creation) is useful when you expect users to primarily (or exclusively) log in to your website using an OAuth connection. For example, maybe you don’t want your users to have to remember another username/password combination, so instead, you have a “Log In with Google” or “Log In with GitHub” button on your website. When a user clicks on that button and logs in with the respective service, they automatically create an account on your website in the process. Typically, this setup means that users cannot create an account on your website without associating it with an OAuth connection.

Associations with Multiple Providers

Can a user associate one account with multiple different OAuth providers? For example, can a user login with Google or login with GitHub, and log into the same account whichever option they pick?

This is particularly complicated if you’ve chosen user creation via OAuth, instead of user association. When a user logs in with a provider, and your website hasn’t seen that particular user on that particular provider before, how does your website know whether to create a new user on your website, or link this provider to an existing user on your website? If you use user association, you can simply require that the user should already be logged in to their local account before they can associate that local account with an OAuth provider. But if you use user creation, that requirement is almost impossible to enforce, because typically people don’t understand that they have a local user account.

Flask-Dance’s Default Behavior

Flask-Dance does the best it can to resolve these issues for you, while allowing you to take control in complex circumstances. Different backends may handle this differently, but for simplicity, this document will refer to the SQLAlchemy backend.

User Association vs User Creation

Flask-Dance will never create user accounts for your users automatically. Flask-Dance only handles creating OAuth associations and retrieving them on a per-user basis. By default, Flask-Dance will associate new OAuth connections with the local user that is currently logged in.

What happens if there no local user is currently logged in? That depends on the user_required parameter of the SQLAlchemyBackend class. If it is False, Flask-Dance will create an association that isn’t linked to any particular user in your application. This is handy if you don’t actually have local user accounts in your application, and are using Flask-Dance to connect your entire website to one single remote user. For example, this could be the desired behavior if your website is actually a bot that responds to incoming requests by making API calls to a third-party website, like a Twitter bot that tweets in response to certain HTTP requests.

If the user_required parameter is set to True, and no local user is currently logged in, then Flask-Dance will raise an exception when trying to associate an OAuth connection with the local user. The only way to correctly resolve this situation is to override Flask-Dance’s default behavior and specify exactly how to create a local user.

Associations with Multiple Providers

By default, Flask-Dance will happily associate multiple different OAuth providers with a single user account. This is why the OAuth model in SQLAlchemy must be separate from the User model: so that you can associate multiple different OAuth models with a single User model.

Since Flask-Dance does user association by default, rather than user creation, you don’t need to worry about the question of how Flask-Dance will handle new OAuth associations. Using the default behavior, Flask-Dance will never create a new user for the connection; instead, it will always associate the connection with an existing user.

Overriding the Default Behavior

If you want to allow users to log in with OAuth, and create local user accounts automatically when they do so, you’ll need to override Flask-Dance’s default behavior. To do so, you’ll need to hook into the oauth_authorized signal.

Flask-Dance’s default behavior comes from storing the OAuth token for you automatically. To override the default behavior, write a function that subscribes to this signal, handles it the way you want, and returns False. Returning False from this signal handler indicates to Flask-Dance that it should not try to store the OAuth token for you.


If you return False from a oauth_authorized signal handler, and you do not store the OAuth token in your database, the OAuth token will be lost, and you will not be able to use it to make API calls in the future!

Here’s an example of how you might want to override Flask-Dance’s default behavior in order to create user accounts automatically:

import flask
from flask import flash
from flask_security import current_user, login_user
from flask_dance.consumer import oauth_authorized
from flask_dance.consumer.backend.sqla import SQLAlchemyBackend
from flask_dance.contrib.github import make_github_blueprint
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from myapp.models import db, OAuth, User

github_bp = make_github_blueprint(
    backend=SQLAlchemyBackend(OAuth, db.session, user=current_user)

# create/login local user on successful OAuth login
def github_logged_in(blueprint, token):
    if not token:
        flash("Failed to log in with GitHub.", category="error")
        return False

    resp = blueprint.session.get("/user")
    if not resp.ok:
        msg = "Failed to fetch user info from GitHub."
        flash(msg, category="error")
        return False

    github_info = resp.json()
    github_user_id = str(github_info["id"])

    # Find this OAuth token in the database, or create it
    query = OAuth.query.filter_by(,
        oauth =
    except NoResultFound:
        oauth = OAuth(

    if oauth.user:
        # If this OAuth token already has an associated local account,
        # log in that local user account.
        # Note that if we just created this OAuth token, then it can't
        # have an associated local account yet.
        flash("Successfully signed in with GitHub.")

        # If this OAuth token doesn't have an associated local account,
        # create a new local user account for this user. We can log
        # in that account as well, while we're at it.
        user = User(
            # Remember that `email` can be None, if the user declines
            # to publish their email address on GitHub!
        # Associate the new local user account with the OAuth token
        oauth.user = user
        # Save and commit our database models
        db.session.add_all([user, oauth])
        # Log in the new local user account
        flash("Successfully signed in with GitHub.")

    # Since we're manually creating the OAuth model in the database,
    # we should return False so that Flask-Dance knows that
    # it doesn't have to do it. If we don't return False, the OAuth token
    # could be saved twice, or Flask-Dance could throw an error when
    # trying to incorrectly save it for us.
    return False

This example code does not include implementations for the User and OAuth models: you can see that these models are imported from another file. However, notice that the OAuth model has a field called provider_user_id, which is used to store the user ID of the GitHub user. The example code uses that ID to check if we’ve already saved an OAuth token in the database for this GitHub user.