
The fastest way to get up and running with Flask-Dance is to start from an example project. First, decide which token storage you want to use:

  • SessionStorage is the default because it requires zero configuration. It uses the Flask session to store OAuth tokens. It’s the easiest for getting started, but it’s not a good choice for production applications.
  • SQLAlchemyStorage uses a relational database to store OAuth tokens. It’s great for production usage, but it requires a relational database with SQLAlchemy and it’s more complicated to set up.

If you’re not sure which to pick, start with SessionStorage. You can switch later, if you want.

Next, check the lists below to find the OAuth provider you’re interested in and jump to an example project that uses Flask-Dance with that provider!

Flask sessions (easiest)


Other Providers

Don’t see the OAuth provider you want? Flask-Dance provides built-in support for even more providers, and you can configure Flask-Dance to support any custom provider you want. Start with any of the example projects listed above, and modify it to use the provider you want!