Source code for flask_dance.contrib.twitter

from flask import g
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

from flask_dance.consumer import OAuth1ConsumerBlueprint

__maintainer__ = "David Baumgold <>"

[docs]def make_twitter_blueprint( api_key=None, api_secret=None, *, redirect_url=None, redirect_to=None, login_url=None, authorized_url=None, session_class=None, storage=None, rule_kwargs=None, ): """ Make a blueprint for authenticating with Twitter using OAuth 1. This requires an API key and API secret from Twitter. You should either pass them to this constructor, or make sure that your Flask application config defines them, using the variables :envvar:`TWITTER_OAUTH_CLIENT_KEY` and :envvar:`TWITTER_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET`. Args: api_key (str): The API key for your Twitter application api_secret (str): The API secret for your Twitter application redirect_url (str): the URL to redirect to after the authentication dance is complete redirect_to (str): if ``redirect_url`` is not defined, the name of the view to redirect to after the authentication dance is complete. The actual URL will be determined by :func:`flask.url_for` login_url (str, optional): the URL path for the ``login`` view. Defaults to ``/twitter`` authorized_url (str, optional): the URL path for the ``authorized`` view. Defaults to ``/twitter/authorized``. session_class (class, optional): The class to use for creating a Requests session. Defaults to :class:`~flask_dance.consumer.requests.OAuth1Session`. storage: A token storage class, or an instance of a token storage class, to use for this blueprint. Defaults to :class:``. rule_kwargs (dict, optional): Additional arguments that should be passed when adding the login and authorized routes. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: :class:`~flask_dance.consumer.OAuth1ConsumerBlueprint` :returns: A :doc:`blueprint <flask:blueprints>` to attach to your Flask app. """ twitter_bp = OAuth1ConsumerBlueprint( "twitter", __name__, client_key=api_key, client_secret=api_secret, base_url="", request_token_url="", access_token_url="", authorization_url="", redirect_url=redirect_url, redirect_to=redirect_to, login_url=login_url, authorized_url=authorized_url, session_class=session_class, storage=storage, rule_kwargs=rule_kwargs, ) twitter_bp.from_config["client_key"] = "TWITTER_OAUTH_CLIENT_KEY" twitter_bp.from_config["client_secret"] = "TWITTER_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET" @twitter_bp.before_app_request def set_applocal_session(): g.flask_dance_twitter = twitter_bp.session return twitter_bp
twitter = LocalProxy(lambda: g.flask_dance_twitter)